India Update

Tarabai Desai Eye Hospital in Jodhpur, India completed work on a new hospital wing in early 2018. The new building doubled the hospital’s capacity and provided new examination rooms and surgical suites. Fiat Lux Foundation was pleased to help supply the new hospital with much-needed equipment. The list of items purchased through an unrestricted $100,000 grant included:

  • A state-of-the-art Leica operating microscope with video hook-up

  • Diagnostic equipment, including an autorefractor and digital lensometer

  • Surgical instruments

  • Sterilizing equipment

Tarabai Desai Eye Hospital is a non-profit eye hospital providing affordable eye care to the population of Rajasthan, India. The hospital, which is led by Dr. Sanjiv Desai, offers treatment at a nominal charge or often free, depending on patients’ ability to pay. Dr. Desai and colleagues organize outreach camps throughout Rajasthan, drawing thousands of people who come for free eye examinations.

Thanks to your donations, Tarabai Desai Eye Hospital can continue to deliver affordable eye care and vision-restoring surgery to those with limited access to medical care. As always, 100% of your donations go directly to supporting our partner institutions, with no money diverted to administration, advertising, or other overhead.