You can make a difference!

We rely exclusively on funding from individual donors and believe that every donation is significant.


Every dollar you entrust to us will help us in our work to eradicate curable blindness. Since we have no paid staff, administrative costs are kept to a minimum and nearly all donated funds go directly to supporting our work.

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Tell your friends and family about Fiat Lux Foundation. There's no better way to make an impact than to become an active advocate. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, or join our mailing list to stay up-to-date on our activities.

Donate stock

Gifting stock is a simple and powerful way to support the work of our foundation. Find out about the advantages of donating appreciated stocks and mutual funds, and the simple process of making a donation by tapping on the button below.


It can cost as little as $30 to cure a person of blindness. Take the #sightovernight challenge and we'll post your photo on our social media pages. The #sightovernight campaign will raise awareness of how little money it takes to transform someone's life.